REPORTING TOOL (“REPORTS & QUERIES” TOOL) The “Reports & Queries” tool is a report ed- itor supplied with WINDEV and WEBDEV. It can be freely distributed to your end users, for any application created with WINDEV or WEBDEV. This report editor interfaces natively with HFSQL, and allows for easy creation of very sophisticated reports using data stored in HFSQL databases (or other databases). By default, the PDF format is supported, as well as page background, bar codes, labels, export to Word and Excel, ... and everything you need! ROLAP CUBE: PIVOT TABLE Decision makers love it! The Pivot Table con- trol dynamically displays in n dimensions data coming from the crosscheck of differ- ent files found in a database. For example: the volume of sales according to product families, products, regions, over time, with or without details. The end user can expand information, hide it, ... The pivot table performs the calculations: everything is automatic, no programming is needed to fill it. GDPR: PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION GDPR defines a set of restrictions regarding the collection, storage, treatment and ma- nipulation of personal data, such as names, surnames, addresses, etc. Every time personal data is used, its storage or treatment must comply with the regula- tion. For every item of a data file (column in a table), it is possible to indicate if the data used is personal data affected by the GDPR. An GDPR Audit window offers a general and detailed vision of the use of personal data in all the tables and elements of the project. Folders can be edited. 16 Example of a cube on HFSQL data In the data file description, a column (an item) can be identified as “Personal Data”, affected by the GDPR A report created with Reports & Queries