929 new features in WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile 2024

SCM -COLLABORATIVE SOURCE CODE MANAGER 073 N e w f e a t u r e W D W B WM CHERRY-PICKING: SELECT THE COMMIT YOU WANT TO APPLY Cherry-picking is supported in version 2024. You can now select one specific commit. You no longer need to merge the entire branch. Benefit of this new feature in version 2024 : Better workflow 074 N e w f e a t u r e W D W B WM 5X FASTER BRANCH CREATION In version 2024, you can create branches much faster compared to previous versions, especially in the context of a remote SCM. This operation can be up to 5 times faster. Benefit of this new feature in version 2024 : The faster, the better 075 N e w f e a t u r e W D W B WM OPTIMIZATION OF COMMON ACTIONS IN THE SCM All actions in the SCM are faster in version 2024: check-in, file deletion, retrieval, administrator startup, etc. Benefit of this new feature in version 2024 : Better workflow 076 N e w f e a t u r e W D W B WM MORE POSSIBILITIES TO CREATE BRANCHES In version 2024, you can create branches on a directory that does not contain any projects. This is particularly useful for directories containing resources such as images, sets of procedures, components, etc. This makes it easier to share such resources between several proj- ects. Benefit of this new feature in version 2024 : Share resources more easily 077 N e w f e a t u r e W D W B WM SHARE DIRECTORIES BETWEEN PROJECTS In version 2024, you can share entire directories. Benefit of this new feature in version 2024 : No need to share one file at a time 078 N e w f e a t u r e W D W B WM AUTOMATICALLY GENERATE SCM CHECK-IN COMMENTS USING AI When checking elements into the SCM, each developer has to write a description of the changes made in all the checked-in elements. In version 2024, the code editor can automatically generate these descriptions. See new feature 135. Note: This feature requires an OpenAI account Benefit of this new feature in version 2024 : Automatic comments 079 N e w f e a t u r e W D W B WM SCM: MISCELLANEOUS • New option to compact the repository after purge Benefit of this new feature in version 2024 : Keep a fast, compact repository CODE EDITOR 080 N e w f e a t u r e W D W B WM AUTOMATIC CORRECTION OF TYPING ERRORS S is strign Becomes S is string The code editor automatically corrects these mistakes. Code completion suggestions appear even if there are typing er- rors. Benefit of this new feature in version 2024 : Easier coding 081 N e w f e a t u r e W D W B WM INTERACTIVE TOOLTIP Note the clickable option and the additional details A new type of tooltip is introduced in version 2024. This tooltip appears when hovering over variables and procedures. The tooltip displays the type of element and other useful informa- tion, and allows you to access the declaration of the element or to N e w f e a t u r e s i n W I ND E V 2 0 2 4 WE B D E V 2 0 2 4 W I ND E V Mo b i l e 2 0 2 4 20