925 new features in WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile 2025

223 N e w f e a t u r e W D W B WM • POPULATE LOOPERS FROM THE TOP Now, you can load data from the top of Looper controls. For best performance, the control is populated as the end-user scrolls. See new feature 432 Benefit of this new feature in version 2025: A control that evolves along with user needs 224 N e w f e a t u r e W D W B WM COLOR WITH OPACITY: ALPHA CHANNEL Transparent effect You can now set the opacity of windows and window controls. This can be useful for applying certain style book guidelines. Benefit of this new feature in version 2025: Adapt to any design language 225 N e w f e a t u r e W D W B WM DISPLAY DIFFERENT VALUES ON AN EXPANDED/COLLAPSED COMBO BOX In some cases, it may be useful to show different a different value, depending on whether the Combo Box control is expanded or col- lapsed. The new DisplayedValueComboBox property allows you to do just that. In version 2025, programming is no longer required to use this feature. Here, the field at the top shows the area code, while the list shows the flag and country name. Benefit of this new feature in version 2025: Different values? Now, that’s a good combo! 226 N e w f e a t u r e W D W B WM HIDE TABLES WITHIN LOOPER CONTROLS In a Looper control containing a table, it is now possible to make a single-line table invisible. 222 N e w f e a t u r e W D W B WM NEW SKIN TEMPLATE FOR WINDEV The new "Apollo" skin template is introduced in version 2025. Benefit from new customization possibilities. Benefit of this new feature in version 2025: Instant new look You can freely use all the skin templates provided with WINDEV in your applications and software packages. Don’t forget you can apply a palette to change colors, and also create your own skin templates. WINDEV includes everything you need to create superb UIs. Continues page 48... 45 N e w f e a t u r e s i n W I ND E V 2 0 2 5 WE B D E V 2 0 2 5 W I ND E V Mo b i l e 2 0 2 5 & W I ND E V S u i t e S a a S