929 new features in WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile 2024

tion, translation. DateToDayOfYear Returns the number of the day in the year corresponding to the date passed in parameter. DNSQuery Sends a query of the type specified to a DNS server. dpDriveConnect Creates a connection to a DropBox drive. DriveCopyFile Copies a single file from the remote drive to another folder on the remote drive. DriveCopyDirectory Copies a directory on the remote drive to another directory on the remote drive. DriveCreateFile Creates a file on the remote disk. DriveCreateDirectory Creates a folder on the remote drive. DriveMoveFile Moves a file from one directory to another on a remote disk. DriveMoveDirectory Moves a directory and its contents to another directory on a re- mote disk. DriveUploadFile Sends a file (present on the user’s machine) to a remote disk. DriveUploadDirectory Sends a directory (present on the user’s machine) to a remote disk. DriveListFile Lists files in a drive directory. DriveListFileGgl Lists files from the Google suite (Google Docs, Google Spread- Sheets, etc.). DriveListDirectory Lists the sub-directories of a directory. DriveDownloadFile Retrieves a file from a remote disk and saves it on the user’s work- station. DriveDownloadGglFile Retrieves a Google document from a Google Drive in the desired compatible format. DriveDownloadDirectory Retrieves all files and folders on a remote drive and saves them on the user’s workstation. DriveRename Renames a file or directory on a remote drive. DriveDeleteFile Deletes a file from a remote drive. DriveDeleteDirectory Deletes a folder on the remote drive. CodeEditorComment Comments the current selection in the Code Editor control. CodeEditorCompile Compiles and displays potential code errors in the Code Editor control. CodeEditorUncomment Uncomments the current selection in the Code Editor control. CodeEditorDuplicateLine Duplicates the current line in the Code Editor control. CodeEditorExecute Executes code in Code Editor control. CodeEditorManageFunction Manages functions available for the Code Editor control. CodeEditorInsert Inserts text in Code Editor control. CodeEditorOpen Opens WLanguage code from a file. CodeEditorSearch Searches for text in the Code Editor control. CodeEditorGetError Gets an error, if any, from the code in the Code Editor control. CodeEditorReplace Replaces text in Code Editor control. CodeEditorSave Saves the contents of the Code Editor control. CodeEditorDeleteAll Deletes the contents of the Code Editor control. InGuidedTourMode Indicates whether a guided tour is in progress. Spain.CheckTaxNumber Checks the validity of a tax number in Spain. UnitedStates.CheckTaxNumber Checks the validity of a tax number in the United States. ShapeArea Calculates the area of a given shape. ShapeContain Determines whether shape A contains shape B (shape B is com- pletely contained within shape A). ShapeCorrect Corrects the shape passed as a parameter, to ensure that it com- plies with the OGC standard. ShapeCover Determines whether any point in shape B is inside or inside the outline of shape A. ShapeDifference Calculates the difference between two shapes. ShapeSymmetricDifference Calculates the symmetrical difference between two shapes. ShapeConvexHull Calculates the convex envelope of the specified shape. ShapeWithin Determines whether shape A is completely contained within shape B. ShapeCoveredBy Determines whether any point of shape A is inside or inside the contour of shape B. ShapeIsValid Checks whether the shape passed as a parameter is valid accord- ing to the OGC standard. ShapeIntersect Checks whether two shapes have a non-empty intersection. ShapeIntersection Calculates the intersection between two shapes. ShapePerimeter Calculates the perimeter of a given shape. ShapeSerializeDSV Serializes a geometric shape using the specified DSV format. ShapeSerializeWKT Serializes geometry in Well Known Text (WKT) format. ShapeTouch Determines whether two shapes *touch*, in the OGC sense of the term. ShapeUnion Calculates the union of two shapes. France.CheckTaxNumber Checks the validity of a French tax number. GglDriveConnect Creates a connection to a Google Drive. gpwListUser Retrieves the user list of the User Groupware. grColumnBarType Defines the type of bar to be used in a histogram. grWaffleSize Defines the number of rows and columns in a Waffle graph. grWaffleTypeCell Defines the shape of a portion of a Waffle graph. HInfoItemRights Allows you to find out the rights granted to an item. HListTrackedFiles Returns the list of files monitored by the HTrack function. HModifyItemRights Modifies the rights granted on an HFSQL server for an item. HOpenComplementaryAnalysis Opens a new analysis. HQueryExecuted Determines whether a query has been executed. HRSIgnoreError Ignores errors so that replication can continue. HDataSourceKnown Determines whether a data source has been initialized. Italy.CheckTaxNumber Checks the validity of a tax number in Italy. CurrentDay Returns the current day of the current month. MarkdownLink Returns a markdown string that generates a link to a WLanguage procedure. NotifPushSendSubscriber Sends a (remote) push notification to subscribers of a topic to an Android mobile device. oDriveConnect Creates a connection to OneDrive. PDFSign Applies an approval signature to an existing PDF. Linestring2DAddPoint Adds a new point to a 2D polyline. LinestringGeoAddPoint Adds a new point to a geographic polyline. RedisDisconnect Closes the connection to a Redis server (or a Redis cluster). SaaSChangePassword Changes the password of the connected user. SaaSConnect Authenticates a user of a SaaS site beside the SaaS web service that manages the site. SaaSClientConnection Returns the characteristics of the connection to the client data- base. SaaSDisconnect Disconnect the user of a SaaS site beside the SaaS web service that manages the site. SaaSWriteSiteParameter Saves a specific information for a SaaS site in the configuration of a client account. SaaSIsConnected Defines whether the connection to the SaaS web service is still established. SaaSReadSiteParameter Reads an information specific to the client for the current SaaS site. SaaSConnectedUser Returns the user who is currently connected via SaaSConnect. SaaSCheckService Checks the access rights of the user to a service of SaaS site. Switzerland.CheckTaxNumber Checks the validity of a tax number in Switzerland. ArrayToParameters Converts an array of elements into a list of parameters. PVTCalculateUpdateAsynchronous Updates (without blocking) part of the data in a PivotTable control from a date. PVTCalculateAllAsynchronous Fully calculates or recalculates a PivotTable control without block- ing. UTF8Valid Checks the validity of a string in UTF-8 format. GuidedTourStop Stops the current guided tour. GuidedTourChangeStep Changes the step of the guided tour. GuidedTourStart Displays the guided tour. GuidedTourInfo Returns information about the guided tour. N e w f e a t u r e s i n W I ND E V 2 0 2 4 WE B D E V 2 0 2 4 W I ND E V Mo b i l e 2 0 2 4 56