WINDEV Mobile Concepts

72 Part 5: WINDEV/WINDEV Mobile interactions WLanguage functions specific to phones The following functions are specific to Android and iOS phones. ActionBarDeleteSearchHistory Deletes the history from the search control found in the action bar of a window. ActionBarSearchVisible Allows you to get and change the visibility status of the search control associated with the Action Bar in the current window. AlbumPicker Retrieves a photo, an image or a video stored in the photo album of the mobile device. AlbumSave Saves an image, a photo or a video in the photo album of the mobile device. AndroidActivityResultProcedure Allows you to specify the procedure to be called to get the result returned by a third-party Activity. AppleAdvertisingIdentifier Returns the device’s advertising identifier (iOS only). AppleRequestTracking AuthorizationAsynchronous Displays the permission request for user activity tracking. AppleSignIn Used to implement authentication via "Sign In with Apple" on devices running on iOS 13 and higher. AppleTrackingAuthorizationStatus Determines if the app has been allowed to track activity based on user data (iOS only). awProcedureGetAndSendInfo Specifies the WLanguage procedure that will be called when receiving information coming from awSendAndGetInfo. awProcedureGetInfo Specifies the WLanguage procedure that will be called when receiving information coming from awSendInfo. awSendAndGetInfo Sends data from an iOS phone to an Apple Watch (or conversely) while expecting a response. awSendInfo Sends an information from an iOS phone to an Apple Watch (or conversely). BeaconDetectBackground Notifies the application when the device enters or leaves the transmission range of a set of Beacons. BeaconDetectPrecise Used to find the Beacons near the device.