WINDEV Mobile Concepts
74 Part 5: WINDEV/WINDEV Mobile interactions DownloadGetInfo Retrieves the details of a download present in the download manager. DownloadList Lists the downloads from the current application in the download manager. DownloadRemove Cancels a download by removing it from the download manager, and deletes any existing files. FileToURI Saves the contents of a file to a resource identified by its URI. geoGetAddress Retrieves an address or a list of addresses corresponding to the description of a geographic location. geoRunApp Starts the device’s native maps application to display. geoTrackingDisable Disables the tracking of user positions for a WINDEV Mobile application. geoTrackingEnable Enables the management of location tracking in a WINDEV Mobile application. geoTrackingProcedure Defines the WLanguage procedure that will be called when the location of the user changes. GestureCurrentPointer Returns the pointer index (finger or stylus) that triggered the call to a process specific to the multi- touch feature in an Image control. GestureNbPointer Returns the number of pointers in contact with the screen. GesturePosX Returns the horizontal position of the pointer (finger or stylus). GesturePosY Returns the vertical position of the pointer (finger or stylus). inAppCheckSubscription When starting the iOS application, checks whether the In-App subscriptions have been renewed. inAppConsumeProduct Used to consume, in an application, a product that was previously purchased by the user. inAppListProductInfo Retrieves, from the store, information about the "In- App" products associated with the application. inAppListPurchase Returns the list of application products purchased by the user and not consumed.
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