Products | WINDEV 2024 - Update 1 |
Version | 01A290061r |
Date | February 22, 2024 |
This update contains:
- WINDEV environment
- Software Factory and Monitoring Robot software packages and the remote debugging module (WDDebug)
- reserved server package (Telemetry, Replication, Access to third-party databases, BaaS modules for User Groupware / Private Store).
- Download the module below in a directory.
- Once the module has been downloaded, run the program in the download directory.
- Follow the instructions.
WINDEV 2024 - Update 1 | |
WINDEV 2024 | WXINSTALL290061r.exe |
Reports & Queries | RQ2024PACK290061r.exe |
Modules common to WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile 290061r | |
HFSQL Client/Server | Common modules |
ODBC on HFSQL | Common modules |
OLEDB for HFSQL | Common modules |
This version contains several improvements further to user feedback on version 290045s and includes new features.
Project editor
- Faster compilation of multilingual projects.
Data model editor
- Project with multiple analyses: If different analyses use files and items with the same names, these elements will be "hidden" in non-priority analyses. You can now get the list of hidden elements from the "Analysis" tab of the project description window.
- You can now define compiler options for procedures stored in the analysis. These options can be found in the "Compilation" tab of the analysis description window.
Query editor
- Returning.
Window editor
- Edit control: Ability to use a vector border for each state of the control.
- Image Editor control:
- Sizing handles in the work area.
- Ability to create guides.
- Better display.
- Control style: The "Style" tab of the control description has been redesigned. The options for choosing different styles, disassociating, or viewing the uses of a style are now easier to access.
- Guided Tour: The internal windows used as Guided Tour tooltips have been renamed.
Code editor
- Now, you can use the Down Arrow key to go over the lines of code one by one.
Image editor
- Sizing handles in the work area.
- Ability to create guides.
- Better display.
- Optimized branch creation after deleting numerous files (remote connection to SCM).
- Ability to propagate changes from one branch to another.
- Ability to add a project to Git from the environment.
Automatic Application Features
- New calculator style.
- Maintenance and administration page.
Project Management Hub
- New contributor login: When a new contributor logs in to the Control Center database from the Project Management Hub, they can create a new account and specify a nickname, schedule, etc. Only the username and password of an administrator are required.
- HFSQL Cluster:
- Ability to use HCopyFile.
- Improved synchronization.
- Spatial data:
- Indexing.
- TOP query: Optimization of queries that perform simultaneous iterations on a composite key.
- Ability to perform a silent installation of an HFSQL server for Linux.
HFSQL Control Center
- Server language: Ability to change the language used by HFSQL 2024 servers. This information can be found in the server settings ("General" tab).
- HFSQL Cluster management: It is now possible to import an HFSQL Classic database into a cluster.
- New display options in HFSQL Control Center (ability to display Text items on multiple lines, etc.).
- New COMPILE IF syntax to compile different code if a project element is included in the current configuration.
- COMPILE IF statements that enclose a procedure.
- New WLanguage functions:
- CodeEditorLoad: Loads a WLanguage code file in a Code Editor control.
- CodeEditorComment: Comments the current selection in the Code Editor control. "//" characters are inserted at the beginning of the current line.
- CodeEditorCompile: Compiles the WLanguage code displayed in the Code Editor control and displays any errors.
- CodeEditorUncomment: Uncomments the current selection in the Code Editor control. "//" characters at the beginning of the current line are removed.
- CodeEditorDuplicateLine: Duplicates the current line in the Code Editor control.
- CodeEditorExecute: Executes the WLanguage code displayed in the Code Editor control.
- CodeEditorInsert: Inserts a string in the Code Editor control.
- CodeEditorSearch: Searches for a string or regular expression in the Code Editor control.
- CodeEditorGetError: Gets a compilation error from the code in the Code Editor control.
- CodeEditorReplace: Finds and replaces a string in the Code Editor control.
- CodeEditorSave: Saves the contents of a Code Editor control to a file.
- CodeEditorDeleteAll: Deletes the contents of the Code Editor control.
- SpreadsheetAddLink: Creates a link in a Spreadsheet control cell.
- PVTCalculateUpdateAsynchronous: Updates some of the data found in a Pivot Table control from a given date without blocking the application.
- PVTCalculateAllAsynchronous: Entirely calculates or recalculates a Pivot Table control, without blocking the application.
- XMLVerifySignature: Verifies the signature of an XML node.
- Modified WLanguage functions:
- BuildBrowsingTable: The new taSingleLineColumn and taMultiLineColumn constants allow you to indicate whether the text column should should support one or multiple lines.
- ExecuteAAF: The aafUndo and aafRedo constants now allow you to handle Undo/Redo operations in a Code Editor control.
- HCopyFile: This function can now be used to copy data files to an HFSQL cluster.
- XMLOpen: New parameter to specify the XML code analysis mode.
- New WLanguage properties:
- Compiler: Gets and sets the compiler options in the Code Editor control, in particular, which functions are allowed or disallowed.
- LineCursor: Gets and sets the number of the line where the cursor is located in a Code Editor control.
- Modified WLanguage properties:
- Cursor: This property is now available in the Code Editor control.
- CursorEnd: This property is now available in the Code Editor control.
- New WLanguage types:
- xmlSignatureVerification: Defines the information required to verify an XML signature.
- Nullable variable.
- Version 8 support.
- Support of 'oneOf', 'anyOf' and 'allOf' keywords.
- Support of NULL values.
- Ability to run Java applications on the latest Mac versions.
- New functions:
- DateToDayOfYear: Returns the day of the year corresponding to a given date.
- fChangeExtension: Changes the extension of a file on disk.
- CurrentDay: Returns the number of the current day in the current month.
- UTF8Valid: Checks the validity of a UTF-8 string.
- UTFConvert: Converts a string or buffer to the specified format: UTF, ANSI, Unicode.