WDMSG enables you to easily translate an entire application (WINDEV, WEBDEV and/or WINDEV Mobile).
Your project is intended to be used abroad? Your application must be multilingual?
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Do you want to check the grammar, spelling and syntax of the information messages in your applications?
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You are developing an application with words, sentences and expressions that change depending on the profession of the user, but you only want to have one source code?
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WDINT is included in WDMSG.
Resources supported by WDMSG:
- Project messages
- Project class messages
- Project report messages
- Project window messages
- Window titles
- Control labels
- Control help messages
- Control tooltips
- Title and text of control help windows
- Control content (List Box , Combo Box, Check Box and Radio Button)
- Captions and messages of menu options
- Messages displayed by the program
- Report wait messages
- RAD control characteristics entered in the analysis
- Help system titles
- Help system copyright
- Help system index keywords
- Title and content of help pages
- Error messages customized when creating the executable
Spelling errors, typos, grammar errors and incomprehensible messages can damage the image of a software editor.
How to check the messages or expressions your developers have entered in their modules?: window titles, control captions, button captions, tooltips, information messages, error messages, wait messages, title and content of help pages, etc.
WDMSG, the ideal complement for WINDEV and WEBDEV, is a powerful tool that checks the messages in the application.
The principle is simple:
1) All messages, captions and text are extracted from the project and exported to a text file.
2) All the expressions in this file are checked (e.g. using a spelling and grammar checker).
3) The corrected messages are reintegrated into the original project.
Main advantage: your developers take care of the code, and one person (not necessarily a programming expert) can check all the text in your application.
You release applications with better grammar and syntax.
What is domain-specific vocabulary?
Let's illustrate this concept with an example: A small business owner may use the word "Estimate", while a business consultant will use "Business proposal".
WINDEV and WDMSG can easily manage the concept of domain-specifc vocabulary.
The principle for WDMSG is very simple:
1) All messages, captions, and text from your project are extracted and exported to a text file.
2) The expressions are adapted and registered (via a provided tool) according to each domain.
3) The domain-specific vocabulary is integrated into the original project.
4) In your project, simply add one line of WLanguage code to dynamically define the type of domain-specific vocabulary to display in your application depending on the user (up to 20 different sets of domain-specific vocabulary supported).
Projects created with WINDEV and WEBDEV can be multilingual.
In this case, each message, window, report or control must be translated into the different languages supported by the project.
A project can be translated in different ways:
1. You can translate the different elements as you create them, via the "Details" tab of the description windows.
However, this solution is only ideal for small applications, and can quickly become cumbersome.
2. You can use WDMSG.
WDMSG lets you extract all the text and resources to translate from a WINDEV project.
Once translated, WDMSG will automatically reintegrate this text and these resources.
The elements from the text file can be:
- translated directly,
- translated with a dedicated translation software,
- translated by a translation agency,
- translated via WDTRAD: the translation tool provided with WDMSG,
- checked by a spelling checker,
- modified to standardize messages, titles, etc.
In your original project, simply add one line of WLanguage code to dynamically define the language to display for your application depending on the user (up to 64 different languages supported).
WDMSG comes with a dictionary.
This translation memory contains the translation of the same source into several languages. For example, in the same dictionary, the expression "Close application" can be translated into Spanish, French, German, etc.
When translating with WDTRAD, the dictionary will be browsed automatically and if there is a matching translation, it will be proposed. Thus, you won't have to translate the same sentence twice.
This dictionary will be enriched as you translate new text.
WDTRAD allows you to import translation memories. This feature enables you to automatically import existing translations into the WDTRAD dictionary.
A real time saver!
WDINT is included in WDMSG.