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Cross-platform application development software suite Integrated software for developing cross-platform applications


Products WINDEV 28 - Update 2
Version 01A280094s
Date July 12, 2023

You must own a registered English or International version of WINDEV 28,
to download the module available on this page.

This version contains several improvements further to user feedback
on version 280085n and includes new features.

New names of constants used by the emailSMTPSession type:

  • Until version 28 Update 1 (280085N), the Option property of a variable of type emailSMTPSession could take the following constants:
    • emailOptionDefault,
    • emailOptionSecuredTLS: unencrypted connection on port 587, then sends a StartTLS command to start encryption,
    • optionSSL: encrypted TLS connection.
The names of these constants could be confusing as to which protocol was actually being used.

To improve code readability, the constants have been renamed from version 28 "Update 4" (280094):

  • the emailOptionSecuredTLS constant becomes emailProtocolSMTPS,
  • the optionSSL constant becomes optionTLS,


  • The values of the constants remain unchanged,
  • the old constant names:
    • are no longer recognized by syntax highlighting,
    • no longer appear in the code completion suggestions,
    • can still be used without causing a compilation error or unexpected behavior at runtime.
WINDEV 28 - Update 2
Reports & Queries RQ28PACKUS094s.exe
Modules common to WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile 280094s
HFSQL Client/Server Common modules
HFSQL Cluster Common modules
ODBC on HFSQL Common modules
OLEDB for HFSQL Common modules